Uridae's New World

Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies


This movie is very boring most of the time but also kinda unique. It is weird I would recommend it but also I wouldn't. Unless you think its funny everytime they quote the Gettysburg Address and bring up Stonewall Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, and John Wilkes Booth in the weirdest ways, then you will probably not like this movie. I thought it was funny but might have been funnier with friends and while under any substance it is still somewhat entertaining. Still an awful movie.

This movie is really something. It was made by Asylum which is a company that makes knock-off movies and this one ripped off Abraham Lincoln the Vampire Hunter. The acting was not best, some actors tried more, but the writing was even worse. It had odd zombies who are blind at night (not during the day though?) and are attracted to noise. Set after the battle of Gettysburg but before Lincoln gave a speech there, a report of a zombie outbreak reaches Lincoln who decides to deal with it himself. Abraham goes on a misson with the secret service (which he created irl) to deal with a secret zombie outbreak. Lincoln's bodyguards include John Wilkes Booth (the writers forgot he was a famous actor and a well known confederate sympathizer) and a bunch of people no one cares about. When they reach a fort that they plan to use as a base of operations during the outbreak they meet confederate troops led by Stonewall (who should be a couple months dead by this point) and they promptly detain the confederates. This movie had some weird "noble south" propaganda in it with the defecting confederates and Stonewall, but it's pretty ahistorical already so I will let it slide. They go into Savannah Georgia and find a child (and future president) Theodore Roosevelt and Lincoln kinda just allows this kid to fight zombies and doesn't put much effort to stop them. It's really something and I can't explain more without sounding insane so that's the review. At the very least you have to see how they handle Lincoln's assassination it's really something.

The overall best part of this movie had to be Abraham Lincoln growth as a person and how it's implied everything he learned while fighting zombies he would put into his Gettysburg Address. I think a fun drinking game would be watching this movie and taking a shot everytime they quote it
