I am Urisdae. I love things like zombies, bears (hence the name), and videogames. I love playing minecraft and paradox games.

I saw something about Neocities and thought this would be a fun thing to do. So now I have created this and I'll post to my blogs, write up a fact page about bears and add whatever I think would be fun to make. I just started coding so this won't be the best. I hope you enjoy looking at what I have put on here so far. I am learning javascript over this summer and I'll add any fun things I create here.

I've made some links to other parts of my website here. The one that expresses my love for zombies links to a page that will be filled with rants about zombies.

link to a page about Zombies link to my blog about zombies

Spin that brain bbg!!!!

Me and the girls